I was issued a check for a withdrawal that I made for $955. It was sent out fedex. Because I live in USA I have had nothing but problems cashing this foreign check drawn on BMO. My credit union won't even deposit it into my account. They say it will have to go to there corporate office and from there to the federal trade commission. They also said that " if corporate decides to accept it", it will take from 2-5 months for it to process and for funds to be available to me. I even tried to sign it over to my employer, and when he tried to put in his business account it rejected it. He tried 3 different business accounts at different banks . I finally decided to go back to cleosviproom and tell them what happened and ask them can they void that check and reissue a wire transfer. I was told " NO", they could not do that, maybe with my next withdrawal. Please help, thanks greatly