Once again, I have won some money and planet seven is in no hurry to payout. Part of the delay is my fault because I did not properly update my credit card information. The Card I was using expired, so when I got my new card I took pictures of both sides and sent that to be verified, but I did not resend the verification form. After requesting a withdrawl I waited three weeks for approval or denial of my withdrawl requests. After three weeks of hearing nothing I contacted customer service to check on my withdrawls. The first customer service agent I talked to said some of my withdrawls had been approved and some were still pending. When I contacted them a second time is when I was told that I needed to send in a new verification form. Why was there no denial of request sent. I know they check every withdrawl request, because they have denied my withdrawls in the past when I mistakenly tried to cashout bonus money.
When I contacted customer service again this was our conversation. The customer service agent states that the period for withdrawls is 3 business days and seven days for payment to be sent. Plus delivery time. That was the 8/11/16 and this is now 8/19/16 and I still have pending withdrawls. With all that being said, I hope we can get this resolved because with the exception of slow pay I really enjoy Planet Seven Casino. The games are fun and payouts are good!
Rolf: Documents has been approved on 8/11/2016
Rolf: The time frame for withdrawals is 3 business days to be approved and 7 business days to be sent, plus the delivery time, which may vary according to processors limitations.
Rolf: Is there anything else that I can help you with? joetoledo1979: I would like to check the status of my withdrawls.
Rolf: Please hold while I check your account, thank you for your patience.
joetoledo1979: Thank You!
Rolf: Thank you so much for your patience. I will be right back with you.
joetoledo1979: Thanks