Been playing this casino for 4 months before they blocked my account while i still have an approved winning unpaid. Yes, i received payments from previous winnings but it has been a challenge everytime, way past due base on their time frame. I tried to follow up my $2500 less the coupon used is $2240 i won last week of Jan.2016, got approved Feb.2 and until now it has not send out yet to the processor. I got a lot of excuses from VIP managers so i told them that mifht as well call my banks to dispute all my purchases so i can get my money back that easy. I spent over for $4000 for the month of January alone and a little winning would be a help. Upon saying that statement above they immediately blocked me. I called and certain VIP manager Isabelle told me the only way to process my payment faster is if i provide th8 with a different debit card and yes after few days i sent her the copy of my card few days later i called about the update of my payment and all the VIP's told me same bull crap like I am dumb. All i need is to get my money with no complications. And by the way i have the same problem with Royalace i have requested to withdraw $2000 on feb 5 , submitted all the documents and got declined on Feb.18 . I called and they told me that my photos where blurry so i resubmitted the documents (same potos) on Feb.19 and documents were ok'd on Feb.24. It was amazing that the first one was blurry and the wnd one were good when they are the same photos but until now my withdrawal is still pending not even approved yet. And these people expect u not to be upset ? I spent money yo play , ain't free even the coupon that players use got deducted on players winning amount, I comply what they ask especially the waiting period, but how long i have to wait and understand? I need my $2240 from planet7 and my $2000 from royalace.......i dont want to get my bank involved with this mess as much as possible that is why until now I still reaching out to these casinos. I hope somebody can help me.