On May 1st I requested a withdrawl and sent in all the required paperwork. I verified that the paperwork was received After 10 business days I received a call from Robin in the withdraws department saying that my withdrawal was approved. She then said that my request has been sent to the processing dept and that the timeline to receive my check was 10 business days
I call on the 12 th business day only to be told my withdrawal was never sent to the processor and they don't know why or when it will be sent.
I've had a few conversations with various people that all told me that my request was already at the processor
I can't get anyone to give me an honest answer.
I understand delays happen but I'm looking for the answer as to when I will be getting my $2500 payout and no one can give it to me
It's not right if I'm expected to wait 10 more business days when they finally to decide to send it to the processor
Looking for answers